You’re a Winner, Harray!

You’re a Winner, Harray!

Orkney Club claim the National title.

Harray YFC have been crowned the National Club of the Year 2024 at this year’s Royal Highland Show. Despite being the furthest travelled participants in the final, the presenting trio were still sharp in their final presentations, handling the judges questions well and speaking passionately on behalf of their club and fellow members. The Club especially impressed with their efforts to connect and contribute to the local community, volunteering with local care homes, churches and charities and helping out with local farms and agricultural events.

Club Chair Aidan Nicolson was delighted with the win:

“Harray Young farmers is more like a family than a club, and to be rewarded at a national level for the commitment our members have put in this past year is absolutely incredible, I genuinely couldn’t be prouder of them all if I tried.”
“The club has worked hard over this past year to work more with our community as coming from a small place like Orkney, community is everything. This has been so rewarding and the club have enjoyed it all. I can’t wait to see the club build on our success this year, and of course to celebrate it as a club!”

Campbell Ridland who was part of the winning presenting team stated that the win was down to the hard work of the whole club:

“The whole club is so happy to have won the club of the year, it’s great recognition for the club’s efforts over the past year. I personally would like to say a massive thank you to all in the club for their best efforts and hope that the good work is kept up !”

The final presentations were held on the Sunday before the Royal Highland Show before a nervous wait for our top three clubs as they prepared for the winning announcement in front of a packed out Shearing Pavilion on the following Saturday evening. The runners up in this year’s competition were West Renfrewshire YFC in second place and Forss YFC coming in third. A brilliant achievement for all 3 clubs to reach the finals and place in such a tough competition.

With both Harray and Forss making the top 3 and with Bower winning the competition last year, the club’s in the North of the country have certainly been impressing on the national stage. North Chair Euan Bremner commented on the region’s recent successes:

“It was great to have two North clubs make it into the final three of this year’s club of the year competition. It was amazing to see Harray lift the trophy and I would like to congratulate them for all their hard work throughout the year. The crowds reaction was fantastic and it just shows how much it means to them all. This is the second year in a row that the Trophy has come to the North showing that clubs are in a strong position and are demonstrating what it means to be SAYFC members.”

Congratulations once again to Harray and well done to all the teams who reached the final. It is always brilliant to see the passion that member’s have for their club’s and the efforts clubs take to grow, engage with their local community and create a fun and welcoming environment for young people.

2nd Place- West Renfrewshire YFC

3rd Place- Forss YFC