05 Sep An Invaluable Trip to Tasmania From Start to Finish for Emma
Emma Harper of Lower Nithsdale YFC reflects on her trip to Tasmania, now after returning home to Dumfries!
She states in her report:
“For anyone wishing to get hands on, see a beautiful part of the world and learn about the structure of another association similar to SAYFC, then the Tasmania exchange is the one for them!”
As Emma details in her report, her trip wouldn’t have been possible without the funding she received from various organisations. It is heartwarming to hear a member speak so highly of a SAYFC ran experience, a true trip of a lifetime!
Acknowledgement of support:
- The Scottish Association of Young Farmers Club
- Rural Youth Tasmania
- The International Trust
- The Ellen Kerr Awards Scheme
- Lower Nithsdale Young Farmers Club
- Dumfries & Galloway Association of Young Farmers