18 Nov First-class masks for members!
The International Trust have this week donated a face mask to all paid-up SAYFC members – being dropped onto doorsteps all over and being received by members of all ages!
Alongside the Trust, Scotland’s largest rural youth organisation raises awareness of the importance of preventing the spread of COVID-19, as eleven areas are brought into tier 4 restrictions.
The message is clear – that each and every individual young farmer member must take the responsibility to protect themselves and their families, first and foremost.
The SAYFC International Trust is eager on approach to our country’s festive period – to offer support to our furthest north and furthest south clubs (and all in between!). Clubs up and down the country, since March – have come up with innovative meeting ideas in all formats, making for extremely unique club activity memories! Make sure to use#mynextsayfcadventure hashtag when highlighting what your aims are in young farmers as a member or what you’ve been getting up to!
Sandy Wilkie [Chairman of The International Trust] commented:
“Looking far into 2021 when travel restrictions are hoped to ease, we will be very excited to continue to support each valued SAYFC member on their future travel adventures – whether as part of the Exchange programme, Group travel or an organised Study Tour!
We look forward to hearing about where you are planning to travel next with SAYFC and remember to #KeepTalking!”
Gemma Bruce [National Chairman of SAYFC Young Farmers] highlighted:
“The organisation has been through difficult times before – and we are working hard with National Council to ensure your SAYFC comes back stronger after these restrictions in place!
It is important you know the Association staff and Officer Bearers continue to be here for you – so please do speak to us! We have some exciting news coming to you in the near future so always stay tuned.”