Agri & Rural Affairs Committee

Agri & Rural Affairs Committee


Provide Agri & Rural Affairs events and personal development opportunities for members.


  • Four Reps per Region
  • Three Co-options
  • Past Agri & Rural Affairs Chair
  • Agri & Rural Affairs Chair
  • Agri & Rural Affairs Vice Chair

The tasks of the Agri & Rural Affairs Committee include:

  • Deliver a series of topical and engaging meetings / farm & business visits / seminars  and events in each region throughout the year
  • Arrange an Annual Agri & Rural Affairs Conference
  • To arrange study tours – long haul and short haul
  • Contribute to and communicate with other agri stakeholders such as NFUS and Scot Gov
  • To develop appropriate training and personal development opportunities for members
  • Ensure the voice of young people is heard in the context of rural and agricultural policy making