Finance Committee

Finance Committee


Safeguarding of SAYFC finances.


  • Two Reps per Region
  • Two Observers
  • Past Finance Chair
  • Finance Chair
  • Finance Vice Chair

The tasks of the Finance Committee include:

  • Ensuring SAYFC has income strategy with a clear understanding of the income needed and a business plan to show how we will generate it.
  • Regularly reviewing the sustainability of our income sources and business model in the short, medium and long term, and identifying diversified income streams
  • Ensuring proper systems in place for recording when money comes in and goes out
  • Produce annual accounts which show all of the Associations financial activity at the end of the year.
  • Investments prudently and properly managed
  • review of all major financial or financially high-risk projects/events
  • Approving an annual budget
  • Reviewing cash flow
  • Appointment, re-appointment or removal of an external auditor