Support Us

Why Support SAYFC?ย 

Founded more than 85 years ago, the Scottish Association of Young Farmers Clubs is one of the largest rural youth organisations in the Scotland. Led by young people, for young people, YFCs provide more than 3,500 members, aged between 14 and 30, with an opportunity to develop skills, work with their local community, travel abroad, take part in a varied competitions programme and enjoy a dynamic social life. This helps to tackle rural isolation and social exclusion, encourages self-reliance, individual responsibility and good citizenship.

SAYFC is a small charitable umbrella organisation. We work to support and capacity build the 71 YF Clubs as well as our members. Many branches of our work would not be possible without the generous support of our corporate supporters, private donors and charitable foundations.

There are many ways you can support SAYFC such as;

  • Becoming a corporate supporter
  • Making a donation
  • Leaving a legacy
  • Providing in-kind support.
Our Vision

Gold Supporters

Silver Supporters

Bronze Supporters