26 Apr Annabel and Skye Focus on Member’s Wellbeing
The Development and Well-being Committee recently held their AGM, this month, where Bell Baxter ADS’s member Annabel Brown was re-elected as Chair for 2022/23!
The group are set up with representatives from all three regions to help make sure clubs are getting all the support they need with regards to development opportunities!
Annabel had this to say on her re-election:
“I am delighted to be chairing the Development and Wellbeing Committee again this year and looking forward to building on the success of the previous year with a fantastic committee. Reflecting on my own experience in young farmers, I would strongly encourage members to make the most of and grab the opportunities available to them for personal development. As well as the development opportunities I’m also looking forward to working with the committee on the wellbeing offering that SAYFC has to support members and clubs.”
The Committee also elected Skye Watson of Biggar YFC as Annabel’s Vice Chair.
When asked about becoming an office bearer in a national committee, Skye said:
“When sat on my club committee 3 years ago as tea convenor I would never have believed that in such a short time I would be sitting as vice chair on a national committee. A simple conversation about my interest in safeguarding was all it took for me to be encouraged to run for the development and wellbeing west area representative and a short year later here we are. In truth I knew little about the bigger picture of SAYFC before my involvement with this committee so it just goes to show that if you have an interest in something whether it be marketing, travel or even mental health and safeguarding like me, there is a committee sitting ready to hear your ideas! I look forward to the year ahead working alongside Annabel and our wonderful development and wellbeing committee”
Development and Wellbeing Committee 2022/23
Chair: Annabel Brown
Vice Chair: Skye Watson
Committee Members: Abby Forsyth, Anna McDiarmid, Bronwyn McKie, Claire Black, Gayle Allan, Joanne Hall, Katie Watt, Nicole Work, Sam Penrice