01 Oct Green Light Given to Scottish Young Farmers!
Organisations and charities across Scotland in the youth work sector resumed face to face interaction as of 31st of August under the Scottish Government’s route map delivered.
In order for registered Young Farmers clubs to preserve the bond created with newer members and be the accessible support unit known to the younger generation of rural Scotland – SAYFC have prearranged guidelines, action plans and activity planner documents to assist office bearers for the safe reopening of activities.
Hundreds of members holding office bearer positions have opted-in on ‘COVID-19 Risk Assessment Training’ across the last two months – attending online sessions. Club and District committees have been supported with the information they require to make informed decisions on a simple risk-led approach for the gradual, phased return of face-to-face delivery of certain grassroots activities.
A plan for the longer-term recommencement of full Young Farmers activity has briefly been discussed during the largely attended virtual meetings. Given the uncertain nature of the current situation – the future advice will be subject to regular review. Communication with each and every club or district is important just now therefore in addition to the trainings undergone already – SAYFC are now offering fortnightly ‘Question and Answer Sessions’ for members.
In the return to a slightly more normal status, Young Farmers clubs are being advised to adhere to the government guidelines being raised to the association by Youthlink – Sept 4th.