16 Sep Harry YF win the 2021 Orkney Rally!
Harry YF win the 2021 Orkney District Rally
Orkney district held their annual rally on Saturday 28th August, after having to cancel last year due to Covid restrictions. Despite some restrictions still being in place this year, all 3 clubs in the district were keen to hold a rally, even if it was a slightly different day to normal.
The day started with the judging of industrial entries before all competitors spent the morning stock judging. The sports were held in the afternoon and it was great to see the clubs competitive sides coming out after 18 months of no district competition! Sandwick and Harray were announced joint winners of the sports cup.
The day ended with a prize reading and Harray being announced rally winners for 2021! A great day was had by all (and the sun even shone) and everyone was delighted to be back together again!