23 May Bower Crowned Highland Rally 2022 Winners
Bower YFC Crowned Highland Rally 2022 Winners
A great day was had by all for the 2022 Highland Rally on Saturday 21st May. Members enjoyed being together once again for a full day of rally fun! The event was hosted by Caithness District and held at Quoybrae Mart, Watten by kind permission of Aberdeen & Northern Marts with NFU Mutual joining the event as main sponsors once again.
Sarah Mowat, North Regional Chairman commented on the event by saying “It was great to see members return to Caithness for the Highland Rally. With participants from all 3 districts of the Highland area and a record number of entries it has kicked off the young farmer calendar with a bang. A massive thanks must go to the rally committee for organising the event, sponsors and also to the members for their time and effort”
The Hamilton Auction Mart Trophy is awarded annually to the overall top placed club at the Highland Rally, this years’ winners, were Bower YFC with 95 points and 2nd equal was won by Forss YFC and Ross Sutherland YFC with 55 Points.
The day started with an impressive array of baking, handicrafts and team entries in the industrial section. Bower won the Nan Howie Silver Salver for most points in Baking with 97 points, second was Inver Ross YFC with 37 points and third was Ross Sutherland YFC with 28 points. The Press & Journal Rose Bowl for club with the most points, in the Industrial Section was also won by Bower YFC with 64 points, 2nd place was Inver Ross YFC with 39 points and 3rd was Ross Sutherland YFC with 32 points.
The Stockjudging took place in the morning with 125 members from each of the 5 competing clubs taking part along with members from Orkney district. The first placed team winning the Farming News Trophy was Nairn A, Bruce Forbes, Sophie Forbes and Eilish Johnston with 889 points, in second place was as Bower A, Douglas Webster, James Gunn and Fiona Sinclair with 885 points and in third with 847 points Ross Sutherland C, Rory Scott ,Jamie Mackay and Isla Pryde. The best individual and winning the Day Challenge Cup was Nairn YFC member Sophie Forbes, also top placed female with a score of 311, 2nd placed individual and 2nd place female went to Fiona Sinclair of Bower YFC with 310 points and 3rd overall individual was shared by Isla Pryde, Ross Sutherland, Greg Robertson of Bower and Sarah Mowat from Ross Sutherland, all with 307 points, Isla Pryde and Sarah Mowat were also joint 3rd in the Ladies section. In the junior section first went to Isla Pryde from Ross Sutherland with 307 points, second to Lauren Oag from Bower with 304 points and third to Will Oag of Forss YFC with 296 points.
The Practical competitions included; making a 4ft gate, with materials kindly supplied by Rembrand Timber, water trough assembly with thanks to Allan’s of Gillock, an ATV course, joining rylock wire, roping a load of bales and Weed & Disease Identification. Overall winner of the Practical Section 1st Bower YFC with 54 points, in second place were Ross Sutherland YFC with 44 points and Forss YFC in 3rd with 38 points.
The sports took place in the afternoon, where members competed in boys 5-a-side football, girls 5-a-side football, mixed teams netball, obstacle race, tossing the sheaf and Tug of War. The overall winners for the sports section were Bower YFC with 39 points, 2nd place was Forss with 35 points and in 3rd was Inver Ross YFC with 34 points.
Rally Convenor, Willie Budge said ‘Well done to all the Young Farmers who came along and participated at the rally, it was great to see so many members enjoying the competitions once again. Thanks must go to everyone who put in a power of work to make the rally happen. Congratulations to all prize winners and to Bower Young Farmers Club for winning the 2022 Highland Rally’
Thanks to Lynn Sinclair of NFU Mutual who presented the prizes on the day