I’m ready and I want help


Providing emotional, practical and financial support to individuals and their families across the agricultural sector including farming and crofting. They have a 24/7 helpline at 0808 1234 555 and a live webchat on their website at www.rsabi.org.uk .


The Scottish Association for Mental Health, operating in communities to provide a range of mental health support and services. 0344 800 0550

Breathing Space

Offers a free, confidential phone and web-based service for people in Scotland experiencing low moods, depression or anxiety.  0800 83 85 87


24 hour emotional support for anyone struggling to cope. Talk to us, we’ll listen!  116 123


Help and support through their team of professionals and trained volunteers. Creators of the ‘Black Dog’ campaign. Text 07984 967 708 or call 0300 304 7000

Gay Farmer Helpline

Be reassured that there are many other gay farmers. You are not the only one. Despite what you may feel, being gay is not a handicap. Call 07837 931894

Survivors of Bereavement by Suicide

A unique and distinct service for bereaved adults across the UK, offering a confidential environment! Phone 0300 111 5065 or text07860039967


Shout is volunteer-run and is the UK’s first 24/7 crises text service, free on all major mobile networks, for anyone in crisis anytime, anywhere.  Text SHOUT to 85258

Prevention of Young Suicide

PAPYRUS is the national charity dedicated to the prevention of young suicide. Speak openly about suicide – 0800 068 4141.

Gamekeepers Welfare Trust

Financial grants for gamekeepers, stalkers and ghillies and their families in times of hardship or ill health. Educational grants available for young people. Phone 0300 1233 088 or text 07786917498

Andy’s Man Club
Real, non judgmental, talking groups for men – with the overall aim to halve the number of suicides in men Under 45! Creators of the viral #ITSOKAYTOTALK movement.
Chris’s House
Centre for Help, Response & Intervention Surrounding Suicide. First 24 hour non medical crisis centre in Scotland. 01236 766 755