10 Dec Lanark Get Their Pigeons in a Row!
The SAYFC National Clay Pigeon Shooting Final was held at Cluny Clays on Sunday 1st December with success going to Lanark YFC!
The day saw teams from East, West and North region take part in a 50-bird all round shoot. Lanark YFC showed their superior shooting skills on the day, taking first place with their team made up of Craig Martin, Scott Martin and Stewart Bruce.
The second placed team were also from Lanarkshire District, Avondale YFC – Jack Brailsford, Ian Young and Gordon Craig. Third place went to East Lothian JAC, Rupert Kinch, Matthew Kinch and Euan Walker.
The Top Gun individual results were:
1st Equal: Jack Brailsford (Avondale) and Stewart Bruce (Lanark)
2nd Place: Scott Main (Lanark)
3rd Equal: Gordon Craig (Avondale) and Marcus Burke (Ayrshire)
Thanks must go to Lucy Orr and Fraser Graham who acted as cheif stewards making sure the day ran smoothy. Thanks must also go to our friends at Cluny who once again put on great day of shooting for us and to BASC who helped support the event.