09 Apr Lantra aiming to assist employers and prevent snags in the recruitment of key workers
Lantra Scotland are ensuring key rural and land-based businesses are able to access key skilled workers during the COVID-19 pandemic, having created a ‘Skills Matching Service’ which will put businesses and potential employees in connection together.
During the COVID-19 pandemic they are providing the access to allow key workers in the agricultural sector to continue operating.
Lanta will filter applicants by matching up their key skills with those required by the businesses, which will make it easier for both employers and employees to find each other.
To join Lanta Scotland’s skills matching service please click on one of the following links:
- I am looking for work or am on furlough and have relevant skills and experience
- I am an employer looking for staff with relevant skills and experience
- If you are looking to recruit a large number of key seasonal or unskilled workers, then contact NFUS or register with Skillsforce Job Hub for employers.