29 Mar New Members Spotlight! Danny Potter, Bathgate JAC
What is your story away from YF?
Hello, I’m Danny Potter. I am 16 years old and I grew up in Harthill. I am currently in my 5th year of high school after which I hope to go on to a career in Engineering. At the weekend I work on a local farm looking after a few donkeys. I am an active member within Bathgate JAC and within my spare time, I enjoy attending club events and trying new things.
Why did you join?
I joined Bathgate JAC in the summer of 2022. I had been thinking about joining Young Farmers for a while, and after attending the Highland Show and chatting to some SAYFC members, I decided to join!
What have you got out of YF?
I have gotten a lot out of Young Farmers, I have made some great friends through the large variety of events on offer such as competitions and dances. I have learned some great skills through taking part in various club, regional and national competitions and have even won some prizes along the way. I have competed in a variety of events like national lamb dressing, East rally, club mock auctions and several other competitions, these have all been a large confidence booster for myself.
What do you want to get out of YF in the future?
In the future in Young Farmers I hope to continue competing in club, regional and national competitions. I hope to continue to make great friends and meet new people, as well as make my way through the ranks on the club committee.
Favourite random fact?
Donkeys love ginger nut biscuits.