24 May New Members Spotlight! Fearne McCarthy- Bower YF
What is your story away from YF?
I’m an avid Equestrian which I started at only 18 months old and have been competing at shows since the age of 3. Horses have been in my life since the day I was born, my mum has had horses her whole life as well so me catching the bug for it isn’t surprising!
Why did you join?
I joined Bower Young Farmers after working in the local hotel which hosted the dinner dances, people that knew me from my brother being part of the club had already approached me and told me about all the opportunities the club had to offer and that they would be delighted to welcome me to the club with open arms if it was something I was interested in and it certainly was!
What have you got out of YF?
I’ve learned a lot of new things since joining Bower YF from stock judging to pit coverings, crafts, and sports. But overall has given me more confidence speaking in front of groups and meeting lots of new people.
What do you want to get out of YF in the future?
In the future I’m looking forward to taking part in as many events that the club has to offer and also helping out the committee in my role as sports convenor to help the club thrive even more.
Favourite random fact?
Horses can read and remember your emotions; horses can read facial expressions and can also remember our emotional state and adjust their behaviour according to our mood.