12 Nov North Junior and Senior Speechmaking Results 2024
North Region Young Farmers Steal the Spotlight
The curtain was lifted on the North Competitions Weekend on Saturday 9th November at Millburn Academy, kindly sponsored by Polycrubb. The Juniors were first to take to the Stage. The format this year was Chairperson, Proposer, and Opposer. First place was awarded to The Sandwick A Team made up of Proposer; Josie Gibbon, Opposer; Balfour Norquoy, and Chairperson; Becky Tait, their chosen topic was ‘Is education the key to success? and scored a fantastic 78 out of a possible 100. In Second place was the Harray Purple team who spoke about ‘Teenage Romance’ their team was made up of Chairperson, Hannah Thomson, Proposer, Beth Fisher, Opposer Elsa Macintosh their team scored an impressive 76 points. Following in Third place was the team from Halkirk Young Farmers who discussed ‘Artificial Intelligence is a good thing’, with their Chairperson Callum Smith, Proposer Andrew Sinclair and opposer Liam Mackenzie and scored an excellent 72 points. Also competing was Sandwick B – Owen Spence, Rowan Donaldson, Thorfinn Thomson who asked ‘Contractors or do it yourself?’, Forss made up of James Swanson, Bethany Swanson and Katie Gunn who discussed the use of Modern Technology in Education. and Harray Green made up of Keri Ballantyne, Anna Hay and Libby Smith who spoke about Town and Country. Best Chairperson out with the winning team went to Hannah Thomson of Harray Purple with 17 points out of a possible 25. Best Proposer out with the winning team went to Andrew Sinclair of Halkirk with 26 points out of 30. The best Opposer out with the winning team went to Elsa Macintosh of Harray Purple with 25 points out of a possible 30. Best Overall Individual was awarded to Andrew Sinclair of Halkirk Young Farmers.
The senior teams were next onto the stage, the format this year, Chair, Speaker and Vote of Thanks. With four teams competing for the top title. After much deliberation Harray Blue with Chairperson, Kelsey Harvey, Speaker Campbell Ridland and Vote of Thanks Lily Hay were placed 1st with 101 points out of a possible 120. Closely followed by Harray Pink, Zara Johnston, Aidan Nicolson and Jack Leitch scoring 94 points and in third place was the Bower team – Jak Murray, William Campbell and Jayden Alexander who scored 92 points. We also had our team from Halkirk Young Farmers, Murray Mackenzie, Morven Mackenzie and Euan Bremner competing in the competition who scored 89 points. The best Chairperson out with the winning team went to Zara Johnston of Harray Pink with 31 points out of a possible 40. The best Speaker out with the winning team went to William Campbell, Bower with 42 points out of a possible 50. Best Vote of Thanks went to Euan Bremner of Halkirk with 17 points out of a possible 20 and Best Overall Individual went to Campbell Ridland of Harray Blue.
We also held our North Elimination for the Senior Quiz, which saw Bower take top spot, followed by Keith and in third place were the members of Echt. Bower and Keith will now go forward to the National Quiz in February.
The Junior judging panel made up of; Rod Mackenzie, Roy Watson and Margi Campbell stated they were impressed from the offset, with the standard of teamwork, discipline, respect, and confidence the members displayed throughout the event and wished the qualifying teams the best of luck for the National Finals. Question Masters; Maxine Garson and Karen Young also posed some thought-provoking questions to the teams.
Our Senior Judges, Allan Grant, John Fyall and Iain Brown, were also impressed with the standard at Senior Level and thanked them for their discussions. Lynne Fraser and Mairi Ross kindly fulfilled Question Master Duties.
Thank you to all judges, question masters, timekeepers, competitors, spectators and stewards who gave up their time to support the weekend. Thank you to our Main sponsor, Polycrubb, Shetland who supported the event.
Our top Three Junior Speechmaking teams will now go forward to represent the region at the National Competition on Saturday 30th November at the Members Pavillion, Ingliston. Seniors will attend the National Finals in February.
1st Junior Team Sandwick A – Josie Gibbon, Becky Tait and Balfour Norquoy
2nd Junior Team – Harray Purple – Elsa Macintosh, Hannah Thomson, Beth Fisher
3rd Junior Team – Halkirk – Liam Mackenzie, Callum Smith, Andrew Sinclair
Best Overall Individual – Andrew Sinclair – Halkirk
First Senior Team – Campbell Ridland, Kelsey Harvey and Lily Hay
Second Senior Team – Harray Pink Aidan Nicolson, Zara Johnston, Jack Leitch
Third Senior Team – Bower – Jayden Alexander, Jak Murray, William Campbell
Best Overall Individual – Campbell Ridland