27 Jul 360 venture to Ingliston for a ‘Super Saturday’
Scottish clubs enjoying the summer safely at SAYFC’s Super Saturday!
Ingliston was back in action at the weekend to host part of the usual Royal Highland Show Young Farmers action. Approximately 360 of Scotland’s rural youth, from all ends of the country ventured to our capital to compete in the thrilling competition-packed Saturday. The association’s thanks must go ‘NFU Mutual Charitable Trust’ for not only their support for the national day, but also all four rallies held as eliminations in the regions. Their kindness has allowed the restart of young farmers’ activities to include region and country wide networking (and competition).
The start of the day was National Arts & Crafts, which attracted over 50 entries across the senior and junior sections.
Junior Arts & Crafts
Juniors were asked to create their displays and articles based on the massively important ‘Saving the Planet’ theme with exhibits comprising; Something new from something old (any craft), reusable shopping bag, floral display, further article [no item that requires tasting] and appearance and display.
1st place Kinross JAC
2nd place Biggar YFC
3rd place Reston JAC
Senior Arts & Crafts
The annual Senior section saw competitors following the theme of ‘Scotland’s Larder’ with articles displayed being; Promotional poster (any craft), chopping board (any craft), apron (sewn), food illusion cake (décor only), flower arrangement, further article [no item that requires tasting] and appearance and display.
1st place Crossroads YFC
2nd place Carluke YFC
3rd place Vale of Alford YFC
1st place Ayrshire [B]
2nd place Ayrshire [A]
3rd place Clyde & Central [B]
Obstacle Course [District teams]
1st place Fife & Kinross
2nd place Angus Tayside
3rd place Perthshire
Tug of War
Many thanks to ‘FarmFit’ for their support in running this competition, which is greatly appreciated. Many thanks also to ‘The Scottish Tug of War Association’ for umpiring once again.
1st place Biggar YFC
2nd place Callander YFC
3rd place Carluke YFC
1st place Biggar YFC
2nd place Callander YFC
3rd place Strathearn JAC
Junior Photography
1st place Jessie McDougall, Strathearn JAC
2nd place Hazel Parlett, Carluke YFC
3rd place Lauren Fallows, New Cumnock YFC
Senior Photography
1st place Emma Cheape, Kinross JAC
2nd place Emma Cheape, Kinross JAC
3rd place Jill Strang, East Kilbride YFC
Young Farmer of the Year finalists
Top five [in no particular order]:
James Hamilton, Avondale YFC
Sarah Whitelaw, Avondale YFC
Daniel Skinner, Garioch JAC
Craig Bell, Kinross JAC
Gregor Bousie, Bell Baxter ADS
National Chair, Katie Burns, commented in rounding up the weekend:
“We have all had a brilliant day at Ingliston and it’s been refreshing to see young farmers in action physically, competing in the events which they train so hard for. Our member’s enthusiasm and passion brought to Super Saturday was amazing to see – making everyone involved at national, very excited for the rest of the year.
None of our regional rally days, or the national final this weekend, would have been possible without the support of ‘NFU Mutual Charitable Trust’ – who have been so kind in assisting us to get activities up and running again to provide the best opportunities for Scotland’s rural youth.”
More photos can be found at Sayfc Connect