Tasmania Blog: Week 3-Brighton and Oatlands

Tasmania Blog: Week 3-Brighton and Oatlands

Tara in Tasmania Week 3

Brighton and Tasman

The half – way point already! Week 3, Siril and I had an early start to head back to Brighton to the Thompson family. Emma took us on a trip to Mount Field National Park and the sun was shining.

We opted for an easier route as the legs were hurting a bit from the Mount Wellington climb. We walked out to Russel Falls, the Horseshoe Falls and the tall trees walk, it was an incredible place, we even saw a Pademelon (a very small kangaroo)! The trees in the park can grow over 100m tall and were very daunting to look at. The National Park has several different walking routes with some being multi day bush walks (hikes). The rain started to pour just as we were leaving so we opted to go back to Emma’s for lunch. In the afternoon I went into town to have a look around the shops with Emma and Chloe, another member of Brighton Rural Youth.

On Tuesday we had the option for a ‘slow day’ as the past couple of weeks had been busy with lots of activities and trips. I caught up on everything happening at home and went for a long walk around the farm. It was a beautiful sunny day, and I could see hills for miles. In the evening, we all had dinner, then watched an episode of Farmer wants a wife. I did debate if Australia would allow me a visa to go on the show… It was my last night staying with the Thompson family, they have been brilliant hosts, extremely accommodating and welcoming. Special shoutout to Emma for driving and showing us around in the trusty Cruiser.

Wednesday, Siril and I headed to the next hosts, the Mace family in Buckland. We got a tour of the farm from Monty, another Brighton Rural Youth Member before feeding some sheep. Most farms out here have Merino sheep who look very different from the sheep at home. We then went to collect firewood from the back of the property. Monty’s family live on a 5000-acre block and farm roughly 2000 acres, mostly sheep. We both had a shot at using an axe and I think we were both pretty good by the end of it, although the arms might hurt tomorrow. We then headed back to the farm and met the litter of corgi puppies, they are extremely cute, I have named my favourite ‘Haggis’. Sadly, I don’t think there is any room for her to come home with me. Brady then came to collect Siril as she is heading back to Oatlands for the rest of the week.

On Thursday morning I headed out for a walk around the farm, it has some beautiful scenery. I then went into the local town of Triabunna with Monty’s dad, Ross, and sister Lilly. I had a look around and did the Pelican walk along the river, unfortunately the boat to Maria Island wasn’t running but it was a very nice small town. We then went to see another farmer in the area, he had a herd of Hereford cattle and Merino sheep. We went back for some lunch and to see the puppies (still trying not to take one home!) In the afternoon I went to the stables to meet the horses. Lilly has competed up to national level in Mounted Games and Eventing.

It was raining most of Friday, I went for a short walk in the morning then helped move some sheep. The rain was very welcome as it has been quite a dry Autumn so far and there is a serious hay shortage across Tasmania. The farm here is mainly hills and bushland that needs cleared for grazing. The soil is very sandy so is better for livestock than cropping. In the evening, we caught up with Siril who is back staying with Brady and Carly this week. We all went out for Pizza in Oatlands and a few drinks at the local RSL club.

Saturday was my final day staying with the Mace family. Monty took me to see the Buckland Bush Garden which is filled with sculptures by different artist including a t–rex! In the afternoon I headed to Sorell to join Andy for a camping trip with some other Rural Youth members Brooke, Jamie, Jake and Robbie. It was the first time I had stayed in an Australian ‘swag’ (tent) and it was actually quite comfortable. On Sunday we jumped into the Utes and headed out to Pelverata to do some off roading and 4-wheel driving. We were joined by Dylan and Chantelle for the day as well making it a team of 8.

The drive up to the waterfall was great fun and Jamie managed to only get ‘bogged’ a few times, luckily Jake had a winch on his car otherwise we might have still been there! The views at the top of the falls were incredible, we got some great pictures thanks to Brooke and her camera. Once we had made it back down the track (after getting bogged a few more times) we went into Hobart for dinner. Instead of hire bikes, Hobart has electric scooters so after dinner we all went for a spin on them, surprisingly, no one crashed. We then went for ice cream before heading back for the day. I was then picked up by Brigette and Sean to head to Tasman for the following week.

The exchange so far has been everything I thought it would be and more. It was great to explore the vast national parks, stay on a working farm to see how they run out here and to meet more Rural Youth Members. I am looking forward to seeing what the South of Tasmania has in store next week.